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November 23, 2019 - January 12, 2020


Moonlightin’ is the annual show of artwork by the very same makers who produce hundreds of posters each year in the print shop. By day, they are called upon to design and print posters and other projects using the shop’s nearly 140-year-old collection of type, incorporating hand-carved imagery. By night, their creative skills are put to work in personal endeavors.
The work on display represents the experience and backgrounds of the Hatch Show Print designer-printers, including the varied processes that fall under the general term of printmaking, plus illustration, photography, and book arts.
The artists have studied graphic design, art, printmaking, and/or book arts, served as interns at Hatch Show Print, and collectively designed and printed thousands of poster jobs for the shop, applying their 21st century training and sensibilities to the 139-year-old archive of type and imagery. This show offers the artists an opportunity to share the work they pursue after hours, and that is inspired or influenced in some way by their daily work in the shop.
Current and former HSP designer-printers speak to what it’s like to work in the shop

including analogies from Jim Sherraden, Kathy Grucella, Cory Wasnewsky, Devin Goebel, Cathy Batliner, Erin Beckloff.