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He’s Baaaack!

August 29, 2016

ALERT: If you have a fear of clowns, do not scroll down.

The Hatch Show Print Evil Clown, once spotted in towns and cities across America—on the street, in grocery stores, at the ballpark, or at the movies—had nearly vanished.​

And now, he’s back, sporting a gorgeous cotton-candy coloring, on a royal field of blue, and supported by a trio of great typefaces! Once again you can share your enjoyment of and admiration for the “rustic fool.”​

Evil clown

This image probably originated in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century, and is one of many inspired by a lineage of clowns that goes back to classical Greek theater. Used in circus and carnival posters around the time of World War II, more recently we mainly use this image to scare people. Is it working?​

The poster and shirt are available in our retail shop now!