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First Impressions With Hatch Show Print

October 15, 2019

While a picture is worth a thousand words, we don’t think you should put more than forty words on a poster. That said, we’re humbled and honored to know that fellow ink-slingers and makers have more than forty words to share with us about their first impressions of this ol’ print shop.

From Designer-Printer Cory and Education Manager Kathy, to fellow poster makers Tribune Showprint (that also happens to be a historic print shop one whole year older than Hatch Show Print), The Firecracker Press, and The Tagalong Press, to wood type maker and fellow teacher, Moore Wood Type, we’re glad to know that we’ve made as much of an impression on them as they have on us.

In late June, we hosted printers and makers from across the country for a few days, to share stories, learn more about the history and process of letterpress printing, and toast each other each evening, as part of this year’s annual APA Wayzgoose fun.  As we continue celebrating our 140th year in this wonderful world of wood type and among so many characters, we’re looking back on the history of the print shop and looking forward to the future of letterpress, with a series of interviews and in-depth profiles.

We’ll be sharing the best stories with you. Get set to get inky.