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2016 Visiting Artist At Hatch Show Print

June 29, 2016

David Wolske Synaesthetica Hatch 2

David Wolske, a printmaker and a professor at Indiana University, is our Visiting Artist this year. He came for a visit in May, to explore the collection and pull a few test prints. He’ll visit again during June, to produce the artwork, and then the art will adorn the walls of Hatch Show Print’s Haley Gallery for the month of October, alongside an array of David’s other vivid and absorbing printwork.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to work with rare material, David will print with the shop’s two sheet type, celebrating these blocks, cut circa 1885, by injecting his twenty-first century sensibilities. Two sheet type was used to print letters nearly eighty inches tall and twenty- five inches wide. Each letter is carved out of two pieces of wood and takes two pieces of paper to print. 

It takes a long time to hand-ink and print a block twenty-five by forty inches, so we’ve taken a bunch of photos and put them together to make a little gif of David working. Enjoy!

We hope you’ll come out to see the completed prints in October!